This will be one long post catching yall up on what's been going on...
On Friday, Feb. 1, 2008, we had a really productive gathering.
We were able to hash out our thoughts and ideas regarding our mission statement. We took some Scripture, examples of other people’s mission statements and our own original thoughts and came up with the mission statement for The Elements…

Gal. 6:2 “Carry each other's burdens, and in this way
you will fulfill the law of Christ”
1 Cor. 9:22 “I have become all things to all men so that
by all possible means I might save some.”
We could probably still discuss and study some more Scripture. I think the more we have…the better.
However, this is our mission statement. Think on it, ponder! Knowing and believing in this mission will give us focus, will inspire us and then ultimately, lead us to do what God has planned for The Elements!
April, '08
We’ve set a date!
I’m so excited to announce…we’re beginning our services on
April 27, 2008!
Write it down; memorize it; bring your camcorders. LOL
We’ll be meeting at our home!
I’m so excited to announce…we’re beginning our services on
April 27, 2008!
Write it down; memorize it; bring your camcorders. LOL
We’ll be meeting at our home!
We’ll be serving coffee and donuts to begin our fellowship. Feel free to invite close friends and family. While it’s a soft launch, there’s no reason not to share the love.
Please be prepared to share. Just be transparent and basically be yourself.
On Sunday, March 30th, 2008, Erika and I went to visit the church of my friend, Alex Pagani. The church is named He Is Risen Tabernacle (H.I.R.T.).
H.I.R.T. has been in existence for a few months now. I ministered in rhyme before a decently full house.
As I was being introduced, Pastor Alex tells the congregation that he feels it in his heart to support The Elements financially!!! I was shocked, tears almost rolled down my cheeks, especially when the church collectively let out a loud “Amen!” We have our first financial supporters.
So I’m asking you to keep H.I.R.T. and their ministry in prayer as they move forward.
H.I.R.T. has been in existence for a few months now. I ministered in rhyme before a decently full house.
As I was being introduced, Pastor Alex tells the congregation that he feels it in his heart to support The Elements financially!!! I was shocked, tears almost rolled down my cheeks, especially when the church collectively let out a loud “Amen!” We have our first financial supporters.
So I’m asking you to keep H.I.R.T. and their ministry in prayer as they move forward.
I just want us to be thankful of how God is orchestrating everything for us. Despite our short-comings, despite our lack of experience in this realm, God is still God. He has made our departures from churches smooth (we’ll discuss that more at our next gathering) and He has already touched the hearts of pastors regarding giving support. I believe wholeheartedly that we are moving in God’s will. At the funeral in PR (thanks for your prayers) someone said to the family, “The devil will come and try to mess with your thoughts.” That has stuck with me as I, in my flesh, wonder if I really should be doing this. Today someone said to me, “There’s no turning back now, E.” I embrace that, welcome that and rebuke any wayward thought that would have me stray from the purposes of God for my life. I invite you to do the same…
June, '08
Well, we're moving along beautifully. We have some pics up on our myspace page: I'm sure you'd love to see them. Check em out...
We're also working on some graphics. Those can be found on the myspace page.
Yes, they did it again! Our brothers and sisters at He Is Risen Tabernacle blessed us yet again with their missionary service.
We visited them in June. I preached and has my dear friend, Solomon Starr minister in hip hop. What a blessing that was. They hit us off with over $500 that day and pledged to have us minister with them every June and bless us as their first missionary endeavor!
We pray blessings on the, Rev. Alexander Pagani, aka Preach Dat Fire, and their whole congregation! A new church plant themselves blessings a new church plant. Talk about un-heard of!
I'll have pics up soon!
Summer, '08
We've also posted a bunch of Summer pictures on the myspace page. Check those out as well.
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