Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Elements On News 12 Bronx December 5, 2010
The Elements had a visitor on Sunday, December 5, 2010. New 12 Bronx was in the house. They concentrated on the "mom" section of the church! We love our moms!!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Krosswerdz From Australia!!!
Our brethren from Down Under blessed Elements!!! Make sure you visit their site in our LINKS section, bottom right...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Join us as our Aussie brethren kick it with their BX family and even leave their mark on our gates! They're painting a huge mural on the Bruckner side of the building as the rest of us give out flyers and talk to people on the street. Join us at 12pm! It's REAL hip hop!
Elements @ Flavor Fest X - 2010
The Elements represented @ Flavor Fest X!!! Whether it was unwrapping chairs or writing in our prayer requests on the floor of the church (it'll be carpeted later), we had a blast.
We were also awarded by Flavor Fest Revolutions Award as a church impacting the culture. Big honor for us and we're humbled.
Thanks to Crossover Church, Flavor Fest Staff and volunteers, Lily (we were a pain right?) and Urbna D for your tireless work over the years. You guys are always an inspiration and we thank you for helping us see that we can DREAM BIG!!!
[[[ For more pics go to DJ NuMan's Facebook Page ]]]
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Friday, September 24, 2010
FREE CD for Visitors!
Hey all, first 20 visitors to Elements on Sunday will get a free cd featuring music by Todd Bangz, Marz, Sir Bug Out, SeDa, HeeSun Lee, Brother E, Jay Cabassa, DJ NuMan, Efrain Goyco, Eric-E & Chris Belmont.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Backpack Outreach...beautiful time!!!
Yesterday, in the cold and rain, Elements hit the community with backpacks and tons of school supplies. It was really a beautiful time and we're looking forward to our next one...THANKSGIVING!!!
To see the pics, click picture:
Friday, September 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
FREE Back to School Giveaway THIS SUNDAY!!!
This Sunday we'll be hitting the streets after service with our FREE Back to School Giveaway. Join us as we give coupons away as well for our upcoming FREE cd. Peep the cover below!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Join us for week 2 in our "SIN" series!!!
This Sunday, @ Elements at 12:00PM!
Just a little teaser...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Voices - E2G
About a year ago Elements had only one youth member. I wasn't sure if there would ever be any other teens. Now we have a few more than a handfull of teens.
During our first meeting we came up with a couple possible names for our youth group, Elements Second Generation (E2G) was chosen. Last month E2G had their second youth meeting! It was lots of fun hanging out with everyone and getting to know each other on a deeper level. We had an ice breaker, then we had pizza and after that we had activities. Brother E then spoke to us about prayer.
I am so excited to see what great things God is going to do with E2G! Our next meeting is Sunday August 22 after our regular church service. We will be going out for pizza then going back to the church for our youth meeting! I already know it is going to be a lot of fun.
- Melodie

For those of you who have been asking about the t-shirts we debuted at Rap Fest '09 last year, guess what? They're in! However, we've got a little surprise for you!!!
We have the same shirt we unveiled last year, "Hip Hop Ain't Dead It's Alive In The Church" which was designed by Bert Bocachica! This hot shirt is available in brown and tan.
This year, also available is a new shirt, "Leading the urban culture to Christ by cultivating relationship." This beautiful design on a white tee is designed by Chez Redeemed!
Both shirts will be on sale at Rap Fest 2010 so make sure you come out!!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Your Three Point Stance
Some of you might know I love football. I played football for the Chargers in El Barrio throughout my high school years (my school didn’t have a team). Being short and chubby, my opportunities were somewhat limited. I played offensive tackle, defensive tackle and center regularly. I played linebacker once or twice and even spent one game playing tight end…where I actually caught a ball and ran what seemed like 90 yards for a touchdown. It was actually about 40 yards but you know, linemen shouldn’t be running like that. LOL
Anyway, I was thinking about some of the very, let’s call it, heavy-handed football training I got from Chuck and the coaching staff. From full gear suicide drills to head cracking on the subway while riding to a game, our instruction was tough. One of the things I remember well was learning about my center of gravity.
First time I heard that term, center of gravity, I was watching the Dallas Cowboys play. They had a fullback, #44, Robert Newhouse who had 44” thighs, he wasn’t that tall and every time he ran or blocked for Hall of Famer, Tony Dorsett, the announcers would mention his “low center of gravity.” Later I totally understood it when announcers used the same term to describe how the 5’7” running back of the New York Giants, Joe Morris, could bounce of would-be tacklers. Yes, you guessed it, his low center of gravity.
So back to my illustrious football career…the coaches would line up all the linemen in a row and we’d drill on taking and holding our three point stance. Ready, set and the coaches (grown men and some ex-football players) would run through our line, trying to push or pull off us off our stance…off balance. Sometimes pushing, sometimes pulling and even sometimes kicking us, but the object was for us, as the linemen in our set positions, to never lose our balance, never fall or never move from our set positions. We had to evenly distribute our weight on all three points in the stance. Not an easy task for a chubby kid. Eventually I learned, like everyone else, how hard it was to take me off of my three point stance because??? Yep, my low center of gravity. We had an Italian kid named James Guidicci who played center and nose-tackle regularly and he was shorter than me. Shortest guy on the team actually. And NO ONE could knock James down.
So I was thinking the other night about what derails us, what takes us off of the straight and narrow path in God…what takes us off of our three point stance in Christ? Obviously while we share many things in common, there are an infinite number of things that can get us off balance. So I’m not going to try to identify those types of specifics. However, I thought that the three point stance and the low center of gravity in football were a great metaphor for holding on to our beliefs, for not compromising our faith and staying on the path God has planned for us.
Three point stance…it can be any three things that keep you rooted and grounded! For me can be prayer, reading Scripture and reading books. Or reading Scripture, talking to my wife about God and Bible study. Or prayer, talking with my mentors and fellowship with the Body. I have quite a few things I can throw into my three point stance. Can you identify at least three things that have in the past kept you balanced? What’s your three point stance look like?
Low center of gravity…this one’s tricky. I remember Newhouse and Morris running almost parallel to the ground at times. Youtube them, you’ll see. It was amazing to watch these little dudes do what they did on the football field. They’d get hit and either bounce off defenders or, especially in Newhouse’s case, run right through them. But they were always on the move and kept low to the ground.
So, using those thoughts, I’d say that for me I have to keep busy…always moving. For me, being idle has always been a tool of the enemy. Don’t get me wrong, I love rest and alone time and family time…but that’s different from being idle. Word search that bad boy in Scripture. You’ll see.
And keeping low…for me that has to mean keeping my head, my thoughts, my emotions, my desires…keeping them all “in Christ.” Whenever I “pick my head up” from that, I lose my way, I get off track…I lose my balance.
So, keep your balance, stay low, distribute your weight in a 3 point stance and stay on that path God has set before you. I’m a lineman at heart…we do all the dirty work in football. I think God is looking for some linemen (or linewomen) to do the work that needs to be done.
Ready, set….!!!!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Real Church
I wish we could remember that real church happens when we get together. Not just AT church.
Wherever 2 or more gather in His name. That verse says "wherever" not when they "gather at church." Have church whenever you gather!
But...you must gather. Don't waste opportunities to gather. When things r good, when things r bad, gather.
I've found that when I'm jacked up, when I am lost, when I mess up or when circumstances around me seem out of my control, spending time with the church is the very best remedy.
We receive so much when we live in service to others. We receive more as the "givers" than as the "receivers." Even when you're a mess. Don't run FROM the church, run TO the church...gather!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Eyes On Series...
If you follow me on Twitter or have me on Facebook, you know I write "Eyes on the 2 Train" where I write about something I literally see on the subway. It’s also a shout-out to my “2 Train” people…you know who you are! I don't write daily because I don't see something interesting every day. I also sometimes change it to "Eyes on the MTA" if I'm taking a bus. Well today it's...
Eyes on Our Children. But first, let me just explain why I write about this stuff.
I adore our city. Yes I complain about certain things. Yes some things frustrate me to no end. Yes every time I travel to another city I think, "Oooh I should move here!" LOL. But I really do love NYC and I know God's called me to NYC, the BX in particular.
Well, one person asked me, “Why do you write about these difficult things or annoying things?” The reason is that I want to draw attention to some things. Some absurd things that us New Yorkers do or put up with…things I literally find funny. But I also want to draw attention to issues I know we should be praying about. So, as you read anything in the “Eyes on…” series, please read, enjoy it if it’s funny, roll your eyes if you must, but always consider if God is allowing you to read this particular post with the hope that you’d be moved to pray for what it’s about. The Bible says that the prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.
With that in mind, let me make this one easy for you and BEG YOU to pray for our children and their parents. Erika and I had a much-needed evening off, courtesy of our solid rock and gift from above, my mother-in-law, Elba. Elba spent the night with Isabel and gave us a little time to go out to eat (Frank Pepe’s on Central Ave is no joke!! Ask for Jason Alicea and let him know you know me…he’s my son!). Then we headed to the movies to see Robin Hood. No I won’t tell you anything about the movie but Erika and I enjoyed it. We love time pieces.
However, we started our movie experience, as we all do, on line. And as we’re on line we spot…well Erika spotted them…these two very tightly clad and voluptuous short women. We were behind them somewhat and couldn’t see their faces, but their outfits left nothing to the imagination, while their accessories, their hair, and their ever-present cell phones told us a few things too. With every flip of the hair I wondered what their lives were like…and then they turned around and I was mortified.
Folks, these weren’t women at all. They were little girls. Think the urban equivalent to Jon Benet Ramsey. If they hadn’t turned around and shown us their cute, pre-teen faces, we would have never known. Seriously, we were at a loss for words. I couldn’t stop looking at these two little girls who looked like grown women and behaved like they were showing off their goods. (I hope no one thought I was ogling them, I was just in shock!) Now really, can you imagine their every day lives…like that???? The men around them that don’t know Christ? The other kids and how they might treat them? What are their lives really like? And I couldn’t help but think of my daughter, Isabel.
Another shocking thing and another thing to pray about was that these two little girls weren’t alone. They were with an adult, a parent I guess, who was dressed exactly the same way. Let’s pray for our children and the parents who influence them.
We’ve been talking about women in Scripture at Elements the last few weeks and the legacy the women of influence in our lives, and those in Scripture, have had on us and I was wondering what that woman was passing down. What was she pouring into these two little girls?
So with all that in mind and the “eyes” of God’s people set on these two children, I implore you to pray for our kids and their parents. I beg of you to take a moment today, tomorrow and always, to remember children who are being influenced in a bad way. Children who are hurting and lost. And let’s pray for the adults who are so influential in the lives of our kids. My heart was broken for these two young girls. During the movie, whenever the children of the forest would appear, I’d think of these two little girls and shudder. Let’s pray yall…let’s not get tired of doing good…especially on behalf of our children, because we are an example. 2 Thessalonians 13.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day, 2010 - Pass It On
Beautiful service, great friends and family and God showed up. The last time we had 4 mothers. This year, 14. And the testimony of what it means to be a mother, along with the videos and thought...legacy, pass it on. What a beautiful time!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Resurrection Sunday - Easter
This Sunday, April 4th @ 12:00PM.
The Elements Church will celebrate
Resurrection Sunday
Come check us out as we talk about
and what it means for us on Earth.
We'll also have fellowship after service,
so join in as we continue our celebration together.
Good Friday - Movie Night!
Join us on Good Friday, April 2nd at 7:30PM. We'll be showing "Passion of the Christ" and having a discussion afterward. Snacks will be served! Child care will be provided.
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